Our Vision

Our Vision

SAGES – International Community of Leaders (SAGES ICL) is an initiative of LECODE Games India Pvt. Ltd. (www.lecodegames.com). 

Leadership is an idea. Getting better at leadership is a complex and long process. But it is worth it.

Leadership development is a complex and difficult process, not because we don’t know the components of leadership, but because of the challenges in internalising  many inter-dependent competencies that need to fit together in the right way to really produce the magic called “Leadership”. Yes, leadership is truly magical, when we achieve it. And that is why it is worth the effort that goes into getting good at leadership. Most of the times leadership development is addressed in bit and pieces, largely driven by an organisation’s requirement to develop certain specific competencies in their employees. As employees move jobs, the entire process may get disrupted and dis-jointed as new employer may be focusing on a completely different set of competencies for development. Also, currently there is no efficient way of documenting the courses/programs/assessments that we have gone through over our lifetime, and hence no way of knowing how much we have improved, and in which areas. We may just have a general sense that we are better than what we were earlier.

Although, most of us associate leadership, and hence leadership competencies, as something that is relevant only in an organisational context, the truth is that these competencies are essential for us achieving success in all aspects of life, and in all our relationships. So, whether we are an employee, an employer, a spouse, a parent, a friend, a colleague or a relative, these competencies make us better in each and every of our roles in life. In fact, these should be called “Success Competencies” and not leadership competencies.

A key development process of these success competencies is exploring/discussing ideas, concepts, challenges, issues that we face in our daily life. Many a times, this development process is constrained by the eco-system / colleagues / friends / mentors / HR professionals that are available around us. The development process can be greatly enhanced if we have a larger community available to us, which we can feed into for constant learning.

SAGES ICL is an attempt to address some of the issues enumerated about. Our vision is to create a community of global leaders and make available resources that will not only speed up the entire process of getting better at leadership, but also to make the process more democratic, affordable and fun. We sincerely look towards each and every member of the community to contribute to this process.

We want to build SAGES ICL as a free community platform that aims to make the process of leadership development inclusive, democratic, comprehensive, affordable and fun.

Let’s come together and build more leaders, and thereby better human beings, across the world.

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