Definition Ability to experience, understand and be aware of one’s own values, beliefs, traits, behaviours, and feelings. |
This definition points to certain indicators that people who possess Self Awareness will have, which are :-
- These people will spend time alone in self reflection of their behaviour’s, drilling down to determine their values and beliefs.
- They will actively engage in the process of receiving feedback from others to understand their behaviour and its impact on others.
- Will actively take help of various psychometric tools to uncover deep rooted values, beliefs and emotions.
- They will expend effort to notice their own thoughts and feelings, and how those influence behaviours.
- They will steps back to check on the cause and the effect of behaviour
The first step in any Self-development is Self-awareness. In this Module, we will cover the following:
- What is Self-awareness?
- What exactly comprises self-awareness and its importance in our lives?
- We will guide your process of self-awareness through the assessments we have included in the Module.
- We also talk about the obstacles to gaining this awareness.
- In the end, we give you a framework to help you make a plan to practice this awareness in your everyday lives.
This Module comprises five assessments that will help you get started on the path of understanding yourself better. The assessments included in this module are:
- 16 Personalities
- Personal Values Assessment
- Mental Toughness Test
- Multiple Intelligence
- JOHARI Window
- Inter-Personal Behavioural Style
16 Personalities Assessment, Personal Values Assessment, and Mental Toughness Test are online assessments, and the respective Lessons have the links for you to take the assessment. Each of these 3 assessments provides a report at the end of the assessment with rich content which will help you understand your assessment results in detail.
Multiple Intelligences, JOHARI Window, and Inter-Personal Behaviour Style assessments have questionnaires you will have to download and answer. The lessons require you to upload your assessment reports as assignments followed by detailed explanations for each assessment.
You may have done these assessments earlier, but if you did these assessments more than 2 years ago, it is suggested that you do these assessments again now.
In addition, the Course provides you with an opportunity to upload and store for future reference, your reports for 360 Degree Feedback, Gallup Employee Survey and other assessments that your organisation participates in or you may have done recently.
After completing these assessments and understanding your reports in detail, we suggest you spend some time reflecting on the results of these assessments. You may also like to document some important insights that you may obtain from these assessments and make an action plan for some of these.
This Module is designed as a self-learning course.
We hope you find this Module useful in providing more insights into yourself.
With so many assessments and concepts to go through we have included an optional mentoring session in this module to help in assimilating and guiding you through this journey.
Good luck and best wishes.